Using data from CGS.S 2003 - 2013 this paper explores the dynamic relationship between parenthood which is charaderized by children's number and sex structure and parents' subiedive well-being. Through the hierarchical APC model, we derive the changing trends of such relationship along the time dimension of age, period and cohort. It is found that the effect of children' s number on parents' subjective wellbeing changes with parents' age. Having more children would bring negative effect to their young or middle aged parents but significantly promote the parents' happiness at their old age. such age-differential effect is more salient for mothers. The happiness effect of children' s number also differs among parents' cohorts. Parents who were born in the 1940s enjoy the maximum happi- ness return from their children, after the cohort of which the positive effect rapidly diminishes due to the birth control regulation and demographic transition. Meanwhile, the happiness effects of having son dif- fer between urban and rural parents. While having son slightly promote the subiedive well-being of ru- ral parents, it significantly decreases the well-being of urban parents after their middle ages. Finally having daughters would marginally increases their parents' wellbeing, and the effed neither changes with parents' age or cohort nor differs between rural and urban mothers and fathers.
Population Research