
码垛机器人机械臂仿真控制系统设计与实现 被引量:1

Design and implementation of mechanical arm simulation control system for palletizing robot
摘要 随着科技的飞速发展,企业的生产能力大幅提高,传统的人工码垛已经不能满足企业对物流的需求,码垛机器人技术应运而生。高效率的码垛能够大大节省物流时间,提高工作效率。系统利用四轴码垛机械臂仿真控制软件实际控制一台小型的关节型四轴码垛机械臂。机械臂利用舵机作为执行元件,DSP作为控制器控制舵机运动。仿真控制软件根据规划的路径计算出码垛过程中舵机运行的角度,通过串口通信将角度数据传递给DSP,DSP控制舵机的运行并带动码垛机械臂实现码垛功能。 With the rapid development of technology, the production capacity of enterprises is increased substantially. The traditional manual palletizing can't meet the logistics demand of enterprises, so the palletizing robot technology comes into being. The efficient palletizing can save logistics time and improve working efficiency greatly. The simulation control software of four-axis palletizing robot arm is used to control a small four-axis palletizing robot arm with joints. The servo is taken as the actuator of four-axis palletizing robot arm, and DSP is taken as the controller to control the servo moving. The simulation control software is used to calculate the angle of servo moving in palletizing process according to the planning route, and pass the angle data to DSP through the serial ports. The DSP can control servo running and drive the palletizing robot arm for palletizing function realization.
作者 常宏斌
出处 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2016年第19期174-178,共5页 Modern Electronics Technique
基金 贺州市科技开发项目(贺科攻1506002):基于VB与PLC的小型闸门控制系统研究
关键词 四轴码垛机械臂 OPENGL DSP MFC four-axis palletizing robot arm OpenGL DSP MFC
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