目的:分析南京市卫生资源配置(health resowrce all ocation,HRA)的公平性。方法:运用泰尔指数方法对2010—2014年南京市各项卫生资源数据进行分析,评估卫生资源按照常住人口配置的状况和公平性。结果:卫生机构和床位配置的总泰尔指数呈先降后升趋势,区域间指数较高但缓慢下降,主城内部指数较高且无明显改善,江北、宁南内部指数呈下降趋势。卫技人员、执业医师和注册护士的总泰尔指数持续下降;区域间指数和主城内部指数始终较高,江北和宁南内部指数持续下降。各项HRA区域间差异和主城内部差异对总泰尔指数的贡献率均较高。结论:2010—2014年南京市HRA公平性逐渐增强;城市规划调整促进了卫生机构建设,但可能导致HRA公平性下降;卫生人力资源配置的公平性相对较差;区域间及主城内部差异是导致南京市HRA不公平的主要原因。
Objective: To analyze the equity of Nanjing health resource allocation (HRA). Methods:The Theil index is used to analyze and evaluate the equity of 2010-2014 HRA in Nanjing. Results:For health care facility and hospital beds allocation,the total Theil index decreased first and went up again; as well as in the three areas. For medical personnel, practicing doctors and nurses, the total Theil index decreased gradually. The intra-regional index of the major city was always high, while it decreased in the other two areas. The contribution rates of both inter- and intra-regional inequality were significant. Conclusion:The total amounts of each health resource increased in Nanjing in 2010-2014, and the overall equality of HRA per capita was enhanced. The HRA inequality is dominated by inter-regional inequality and inequality in the major city.
Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)