目的 了解工具性苯丙胺类药物 (ATS)使用者的人口学特征、滥用方式、对躯体和心理的影响等相关问题。方法 采用病例发现法和易接近对象晤谈法并结合滚雪球的方法 ,以问卷方式收集工具性ATS使用者的有关资料。结果 (1)使用者情况 :共收集有效病例 2 37例 ,平均年龄为(2 7± 6 )岁 ;其中未婚占 4 3 9% ,未婚同居占 18 6 % ,离婚占 12 2 % ;高中以上文化程度约占 75 9% ,职业以个体商人居多。 (2 )使用情况 :摇头丸是最主要的滥用药物 ,约 1/ 4的人使用 >10 0次。口服是最主要的服用途径 (89 9% )。使用ATS目的包括 :提高注意力、保持清醒状态、改善工作表现、缓解压力和情绪紧张、减轻体重及提高性功能等。ATS使用者常合并使用酒精、苯二氮类、海洛因等物质。4 0 5 %的ATS使用者其主要社交人群中有人使用ATS。部分使用者有临时性伴侣 (40 9% )和性交易史 (33 8% )。ATS使用影响了使用者社会及心理功能。结论 工具性ATS使用者为一特殊人群 ,使用ATS可造成较严重的社会、心理功能等损害 ,应针对其特殊性制定相应的干预措施。
Objective To investigate the social demographic characteristics, using patterns, physical and psychosocial consequences of instrumental amphetamine type stimulants (ATS) users Methods Using case finding, privileged access interviewers and snow ball techniques, the data were got by structural interview Results Altogether 237 instrumental ATS users were consecutively involved in the study The average age was 27±6 years As to marital status,the rates of single, cohabiting and divorced were 43 9%, 18 6% and 12 2% respectively Nearly 75 9% of the users had high school education or over Most of the subjects were self employed Ecstasy (MDMA) was used most frequently, and 24 5% of users used more than 100 times Oral administration was the main use method The reasons for ATS use included improving concentration, helping stay awake at work or study, improving performance at work/study, forgetting work/study stress, feeling better when depressed, controlling body weight and enhancing sex ability etc ATS users often used other substances, such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, heroin, cannabis, and cocaine About 40 5% of ATS users had intimate friends or acquaintances who used ATS as well Among ATS users, 40 9% had casual sexual partner, 33 8% had experiences of paying for sex Conclusion Instrumental ATS users are special population, and ATS use can cause severe physical and psychosocial problems The specific interventions should be taken to prevent further spreading in China
Chinese Journal of Psychiatry
世界卫生组织资助项目 (HQ/ 0 0 / 44 63 61)