
我国制售假药的现状、特点及其监管对策研究 被引量:12

Study on Status Quo and Characteristics of Manufacturing and Selling Counterfeit Drugs in China and Supervision Strategies
摘要 目的:探讨我国制售假药的现状、特点及其监管对策。方法:以我国公安机关2011-2015年侦办的7 500余起假药案件为基础,选择其中50起涉案假药数量大、金额高、人数多、地域广和社会影响较大的典型案件的相关数据进行分析,并提出监管对策。结果与结论:我国假药案件和涉案人数整体上呈快速增长态势,分别从2011年的近500起、900人增长到2015年的近2 500起、6 000人。50起典型案件中,涉案假药种类多集中于治疗性功能障碍药(占23.8%)、美容药和减肥药(占19.6%)、止咳平喘药(占14.2%)、治疗风湿骨病药(占13.9%)、抗糖尿病药(占7.3%)、抗肿瘤药(占6.6%)等;网络销售假药有42起(占84%);无证生产销售假药有46起(占92%);非法代购假药有3起(占6%)。整体来看,我国制售假药具有涉案金额高、违法犯罪活动隐蔽、受害者多为低收入人群等特点。建议加强假药监管工作,创新监管方式;加强药品监管部门与公安机关联合执法,顺畅行政执法与刑事司法;创新情报信息运行体制机制,建立信息共享平台与信息通报机制;强化互联网监测,加强与制药企业合作;加强舆论宣传,震慑犯罪分子等。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the status quo and characteristics of manufacturing and selling counterfeit drugs in China, and to explore supervision strategies. METHODS: Among 7 500 counterfeit drugs cases investigated by public security organization during 2011-2015, 50 typical cases, which involved large amount of counterfeit drugs, large sum of money, a large number of people, a broad geographic area and huge social consequences, were selected and analyzed to put forward supervision strategies. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS: Both the case number of counterfeit drug and the people involved were increasing rapidly in Chi- na, increasing from 500 cases and 900 persons in 2011 to 2 500 cases and 6 000 persons in 2015. Among 50 typical cases, involved counterfeit drugs mostly focused on sexual dysfunction drugs (23.8%), cosmetic drugs and weight loss drugs (19.6%), antitussive and antiasthmatic drugs (14.2%), anti-rheumatism drugs (13.9%), antidiabetic drugs (7.3%) and antitumor drugs (6.6%), etc. There were 42 cases of online counterfeit drugs sales (84%), 46 cases of counterfeit drugs production and sales activities without a license (92%) and 3 cases of illegal counterfeit drugs purchase service (6%). On the whole, manufacturing and selling counterfeit drugs activity in China has the following features, such as large sum of money is involved; criminal activities are very covert; most victims are low-income workers. It is suggested to strengthen the supervision work and innovative approach; en- hance the joint law enforcement of drug administration and public security organs, and promote connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice of drug cases; innovate information operation system and mechanism, and establish information sharing platform and reporting system; strengthen the monitoring of internet and cooperation with pharmaceutical companies; improve the publicity and deter criminals.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第28期3896-3899,共4页 China Pharmacy
基金 浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划项目(No.2015R432012)
关键词 假药 现状 监管对策 研究 Counterfeit drugs Status quo Supervision strategy Research
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