
非高斯噪声下的信号检测算法与性能分析 被引量:1

Signal Detection Algorithm and Performance Analysis under Non-Gaussian Noise
摘要 为改善非高斯背景噪声下的信号检测性能,提出了采用非线性阈值系统的信号检测算法。该算法首先利用阈值系统对接收信号进行预处理,其次采用最小平均错误概率准则对预处理后的信号进行检测,最后推导了所提检测算法的误码率解析表达式并给出仿真验证。理论分析和仿真结果表明:在高斯背景噪声下,线性最佳检测算法的检测性能优于所提检测算法;在非高斯背景噪声下,所提检测算法的检测性能较线性最佳检测算法有显著提升。 To improve the signal detection performance under non-Gaussian background noise, this paper presents a novel signal detection algorithm based on nonlinear threshold system (NTS). The algorithm firstly uses NTS to preprocess the received signal, then uses the minimum mean error probability rule to detect the preprocessed signals, finally deduces the analytical expression of the bit error ratio (BER) of proposed detection algorithm and gives the simulative validation. Theoreti- cal analysis and simulation results show:under the background of Gaussian noise,the detection per- formance of the linear optimal detection algorithm is better than that of the proposed detection al- gorithm;under the background of non-Gaussian noise,the detection performance of proposed algo- rithm is significantly improved compared with that of linear optimal detection algorithm.
作者 刘进
出处 《舰船电子对抗》 2016年第4期68-72,共5页 Shipboard Electronic Countermeasure
关键词 信号检测 非高斯背景噪声 非线性阈值系统 线性最佳检测算法 signal detection non-Gaussian background noise nonlinear threshold system linear optimal detection algorithm.
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