二苯基甲烷,通常用于香料工业,同时又是生产染料、医药的重要中间体。目前,进入工业应用的催化剂大致有两类:一类是铝汞齐,其不足是反应操作复杂,对铝汞齐的处理不当会给环境带来污染。第二类是传统的三氯化铝和氯化锌,但其具有腐蚀性,后处理工艺复杂及选择性不高,应用受到限制。因此开发出高选择性的、后处理工艺简单的新型环境友好固体酸催化剂成为研究二苯基甲烷合成的关键。本研究工作选取?-Al2O_3为载体,改进传统Al Cl3固载法制备新型Al Cl3/?-Al2O_3催化剂。考察了Al Cl3/?-Al2O_3催化剂的活性、选择性及使用次数等因素。
Diphenylmethane(DPM) is a useful chemical material in spice production and an important intermediate in drug and organic synthesis. At present, DPM has usually been synthesized by the Friedel-Crafts reaction of benzyl chloride with benzene. Two catalysts are mainly used in industry: One is aluminum-amalgam; the other is pure Zn Cl2. Theses catalysts pose considerable problems such as toxicity, potential danger in handling, disposal problems due to large amount of acidic effluents, and difficulties in product isolation. Thus, development of reusable and easily separable solid acid catalyst is required. The catalyst of Al Cl3 immobilized on g-Al2O_3, Al Cl3/?-Al2O_3 was prepared by new method. The effect of reaction conditions used Al Cl3/?-Al2O_3 was studied detailedly.
Guangdong Chemical Industry