当前10 kV架空线路故障指示器的带电安装工具,普遍存在存放指示器的托杯与操作杆角度单一使工具不适应现场作业需求、托杯设计局限使工具本身兼容性差、托杯与起落架设计不合理使工具实际使用寿命短等缺陷,容易引发线路故障误判断等问题。此文从对10 kV故障指示器带电装卸工具增加活节装置、设计新型托杯等思路入手,研制新型故障指示器装卸工具,有效解决了带电装卸指示器遇到的各类难题。
The single angle of the cup storing the indicator and operating rod is a common phenomenon in the current live installation tools of lOkV overhead line fault indicator,which makes the tools not meet the field operation requirements;the design limitation on the cup makes the tool itself have poor compatibility;the unreasonable design of the cup and undercart makes the actual service life of tools short,all of which easily lead to line fault misjudgment and other issues.This paper starts from adding live knot device to live handling tools of 10kV fault indicator and design of new cups,etc.to develop the handling tools of new fault indicator, which is an effective solution to various problems encountered by live loading indicator.
Journal of State Grid Technology College