1Judith Mastai. "There Is No Such Thing as a Visitor" ,Museums After Modernism: Strategies of Engagement[M]. edited by Griselda Pollock and Joyee Zemans. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007. 被引量:1
2Hans Belting. "Marco Polo and Other Cultures" ,Art History after Modernism[M].trans. Caroline Saltzwedel and Mitch Cohen. The University of Chicago Press, 2003. 被引量:1
6Seph Rodney. The Confused Behind the Kimono Protests Boston Museum of Fine Arts Thinking at the http:// hyperallergic, com/223047/the-confused thinking-behind-the-kimono-protests at-the-boston-museum-of-fine-arts/. 被引量:1
7Robert Lee. China: Through the Looking Glass-An Open Letter. http://artspiral, blogspot. com/2015/07/china-through looking- glass-open-letter 20. html. 被引量:1
9Robin Givhan. The fantasy of China: Why the new Met exhibition is a big, beautiful lie. https://www, washingtonpost, eom/news/ arts-and-entertainment/wp/2015/05/05/ the-fantasy-of-ehina-why-the-new-met- exhibition-is-a-big-beautiful-lie/. 被引量:1
10VeroniqueHyland. The Met' s China Show Is Beautiful, ButElusive, http://nymag. eom/thecut/2015/05/mets-ehina-show-is- beautiful-but-elusive, html. 被引量:1