
不同耕作和种植方式对稻田杂草及水稻产量的影响 被引量:16

Effects of Crop Establishment Techniques on Weeds and Rice Yield
摘要 采用田间试验,研究了7种不同水稻耕作和种植方式[水田翻耕移栽(puddling transplanting,PT)、免耕移栽(no tillage transplanting,NTT)、水田翻耕滚筒湿播(puddling drum wet seeding,PDWS)、免耕滚筒湿播(no tillage drum wet seeding,NTDWS)、传统耕作旱穴播(conventional tillage dry drilling,CTDD)、沟垄灌溉旱穴播(furrow irrigated raised beds system dry drilling,FIRBSDD)和免耕旱穴播(no-tillage dry-drilling,NTDD)对稻田杂草和水稻产量的影响。结果表明,PT处理下水稻产量最高,杂草干物质量最低;与移栽相比,直播(direct seeded rice,DSR),包括旱直播和湿直播,杂草生长能力最强,且不管有无杂草均降低了水稻产量;直播处理因杂草使水稻减产91.4%~99.0%,而PT和NTT处理分别减产16.0%和42.0%;香附子、龙爪茅、长穗苋、珠子草和假海马齿等杂草种类在DSR处理中大量出现,但在PT处理中未出现。大田示范试验结果表明,普通水稻品种(HKR-47和IR-64)在DSR处理较PT处理减产达15.8%,但优质水稻品种(Sharbati和PB-1)在两处理间无明显差异。当前劳动力紧缺,人工插秧需要大量劳力,因此亟需开发好氧栽培(如免耕直播和机插)模式下的适宜水稻品种及其相关配套农业机械及技术。 Field and pot studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of seven rice establishment techniques [puddling transplanting (PT), no tillage transplanting (N3T), puddling drum wet seeding (PDWS), no tillage drum wet seeding (NTDWS), conventional tillage dry drilling (CTDD), furrow irrigated raised beds system dry drilling (FIRBSDD), and no-tillage dry-drilling (NTDD)] and water submergence stress on weeds and rice yield. The highest yield and least weed abundance were in the PT treatment. The direct seeded rice (DSR), both dry and wet exhibited severe weed infestation, and compared to transplanting showed reduced yield both in the presence and absence of weeds. The yield losses due to weeds in the DSR treatments ranged from 91.4 to 99.0%, compared to 16.0 and 42.0% in the transplanting treatments (PT and NTF). Weeds, including Cyperus rotundus L., Dactyloctenium aegyptium (L.) Willd., Digera arvensis Forsk., Phyllanthus niruri L., and Trianthema portulacastrum L, which were found in the un-puddled DSR treatments were absent in the puddled plots, particularly the PT treatments. In farmer's field studies, when compared to the PT treatments, the DSR treatments exhibited lower yields (15.8%) with coarse varieties (HKR-47 & IR-64), but fine cultivars (Sharbati & PB-1 ) exhibited similar yields under both systems. In view of the shortage of labour for manual transplanting, there is a need to develop suitable cultivars for aerobic system conditions (unpuddled DSR and NT machine-transplanting).
出处 《中国稻米》 北大核心 2016年第5期48-52,共5页 China Rice
关键词 水稻 栽培方式 直播 移栽 翻耕 免耕 产量 杂草 rice cultivation method direct seeding transplanting plowing no-tillage yield weeds
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