针对传统实体架子鼓体积大、噪声大、不便携带与练习等问题,采用NI myDAQ数据采集硬件平台和LabVIEW图形化编程语言设计并实现了一款便携、美观、使用简单的电子鼓,系统包括音频读取模块、数字采集模块、音频处理模块、模拟输出模块,不仅可以实现电子鼓的基本演奏功能,用户还可通过自定义演奏音效与节奏实现符合自己演奏习惯与风格的电子鼓。
Regarding the issue of traditional drums entity bulky, noisy,inconvenient to carry and practice, this paper designed and realized an electronic drum which is portable,aesthetic,easy to use.The system based on NI myDAQ and LabVIEW,consisted of audio reading module,data acquisition module,audio processing module and analog ouput module.The system not only achieve the basic functions of the electronic drum playing, but also the user could customize the sound and rhythm to meet their habits and style.
Electronic Test