
顶浪规则波中小水线面双体船纵向运动特性数值分析 被引量:5

Numerical study on characteristics of SWATH ship longitudinal motions in regular head waves
摘要 基于RANS方程和VOF模型求解船体粘性兴波流场,采用Overset技术处理船体运动,开展了小水线面双体船(Small Waterplane Area Twin Hulls,SWATH)迎浪规则波中运动响应特性及其产生机理的研究。通过数值计算结果与模型试验结果的对比分析,验证了本文方法的有效性;在此基础上,分析了船体运动响应曲线中各峰值产生的原因及片体间相互干扰对SWATH船在波浪中运动响应的影响,发现其中一个峰值出现的原因为遭遇频率接近船体运动固有频率,由此发生共振;另一个峰值的出现则可能与SWATH特殊的船型及附体配置有关。由于SWATH船片体间的水动力干扰效应,SWATH船在波浪中运动响应峰值较单个片体响应峰值明显减小,且出现的位置向低频方向移动。 Based on RANS equations and VOF method to solve viscous wave flow field and Overset technique to deal with ship motions, this study investigates the characteristics of longitudinal motions for Small Waterplane Area Twin Hulls (SWATH) in regular head waves. The computation method is validated by comprehensive comparison between numerical results and experimental data. Further, the mechanism of peaks in the responses transfer function curves as well as the influ- ence of twin-hull interaction on the motion responses of SWATH are analysed. The results show that the one peak in the re- sponses transfer function curves is caused by the natural resonance of ship, at that moment, the encounter frequency is close to the natural frequency of ship motions. And another peak is probably related to the particular hull form and the appendage configuration of SWATH ship. Influenced by the twin-hull interaction, peaks of motion responses for SWATH have smaller magnitudes and lower frequencies in contrast with that for the single hull.
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2016年第8期5-10,共6页 Ship Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50879090 51509256)
关键词 小水线面双体船 RANS 波浪中运动 纵向运动特性 片体间相互干扰 SWATH RANS motion in waves characteristics of longitudinal motions twin-hull interaction
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