
宝鸡市白纹伊蚊抗药性调查 被引量:3

Insecticide resistance of Aedes albopictus in Baoji City
摘要 目的了解宝鸡市白纹伊蚊抗药性情况。方法采用成蚊接触桶法和幼虫浸液法测定白纹伊蚊成虫的抗药性。结果成蚊接触桶法测定结果显示,宝鸡市白纹伊蚊对溴氰菊酯和高效氯氰菊酯敏感,氯菊酯疑似抗性;幼虫浸液法测定结果显示,宝鸡市白纹伊蚊对高效氯氰菊酯的LC_(50)为0.000 74 mg/L,对溴氰菊酯的LC_(50)为0.000 71 mg/L,对氯菊酯的LC_(50)为0.003 42 mg/L,对双硫磷的LC_(50)为0.005 26 mg/L;抗性倍数分别为氯菊酯11.79、高效氯氰菊酯1.76、溴氰菊酯2.29、双硫磷3.68。结论在白纹伊蚊防治时,要科学合理地使用各种杀虫剂,同时结合当地生态环境、气候特点,对蚊虫进行全面综合治理,减缓蚊虫产生抗药性。 Objective To investigate the insecticide resistance of Aedes albopictus in Baoji City. Methods Contact barrel method was used for determination of 24 h mortality of adult Aedes albopictus to 3 kinds of insecticides,and the larvae dipping method was used for determination of LC_(50) s of Aedes albopictus larvae to 4 kinds of insecticides. Results The adults of Aedes albopictus were sensitive to deltamethrin and cypermethrin,and slightly resistant to permethrin in Baoji City. The LC_(50) s of beta-cypermethrin,permethrin,deltamethrin and temephos to the larvae of Aedes albopictus were respectively 0. 000 74,0. 003 42,0. 000 71 and 0. 005 26 mg / L in Baoji Ctiy,indicating that the Aedes albopictus developed 11. 79,1. 76,2. 29 and 3. 68 folds to four insecticides. Conclusion It is necessary to consider the geographical and ecological characteristics for comprehensive control of mosquitoes.
出处 《中华卫生杀虫药械》 CAS 2016年第4期340-342,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments
关键词 白纹伊蚊 抗药性 研究 Aedes albopictus insecticide resistance research
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