
河道水力学模型及最小生态需水量的估算 被引量:6

Channel Hydraulics Model and Estimate of the Minimum Ecological Water Demand
摘要 为了维系和保护玉符河最基本的生态功能不受破坏,结合玉符河河道的几何特征,应用一维非恒定流数学模型,即考虑河床渗漏的圣维南方程组,通过程序模拟得到玉符河研究河段内46个典型过流断面的水位和流量过程。结合生态流速-水深法的技术指标,计算和分析整个河段不断流所需的最小生态需水量。结果表明,当上游来流量为2.9m3/s时,基本可以达到保护玉符河河道生态功能的目标。该结果可为玉符河河道的生态修复工作及水资源的合理调度提供参考。 In order to maintain and protect the basic ecological functions of Yufu river, we must keep the minimum water demand in the river. Combined with Yufu River's geometric char- acteristics,one-dimensional unsteady flow mathematical model, that is, the Saint-Venant equa- tions under the riverbed leakage state, was applied to obtain water level and flow process of 46 typical sections in the Yufu river through the program simulation. The minimum ecological water demand of the river was calculated and analyzed with ecological flow rate-water depth method. The results show that the upstream inflow of 2.9 m^3/s can basically achieve the goal of protecting ecological function of the Yufu river. The result can provide some reference value for the ecologi- cal restoration and water resources operation of the Yufu river.
出处 《太原理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期536-540,共5页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology
基金 水利部"948"基金资助项目:河流生态修复与生态调度研究与示范(20071106)
关键词 圣维南方程 数值计算 生态流速-水深法 生态需水量 玉符河 Saint-Venant equations numerical calculation ecological flow rate water depth method the ecological water demand Yufu river
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