四旋翼飞行器在受到风力等大扰动的情况下,单纯的PID控制受到积分环节和饱和限幅环节的共同作用,容易产生windup现象,系统动态响应变差,造成飞行器大超调甚至失调。通过建立四旋翼飞行器的动力学仿真模型,分析了windup现象产生的原因,设计了参数模糊可变的anti-windup PID控制器,用于缓解windup现象。对比分析了该控制器与现有的模糊PID控制器、参数为定值的anti-windup PID控制器的性能,仿真结果表明,基于anti-windup技术的模糊PID控制器,能够更加有效地抑制windup现象,加快飞行器的姿态调节过程。
When quad-rotor aircraft is trapped in the great disturbance of wind, windup phenomenon may appear for simple PID controller, under the combined action of integration element and saturation limit element. Thus may lead to deterioration of system's dynamic responses, and big overshoot or imbalance of quad-rotor. A dynamics simulation model is established for the quad-rotor aircraft, and the causes of windup phenomenon are analyzed. An anti-windup PID controller with fuzzy variable parameters is designed to alleviate the windup phenomenon. Contrastive analysis is made to the controller with the existing fuzzy PID controller and the anti-windup PID controller with constant parameters. The results of simulation indicate that, the fuzzy PID controller based on anti-windup technology can effectively restrain the windup phenomenon, and speed up the attitude adjustment process of quad-rotor.
Electronics Optics & Control