

Modeling and analysis of a piezoelectric energy harvester with magnetic oscillator
摘要 为了达到拓宽单悬臂梁压电换能器响应频率带宽、提高输出性能的目的,研究了一种压电磁耦合换能器。根据换能器的基本结构建立其相应的机电耦合模型,并推导出动力学方程和电学方程。利用四阶龙格库塔法求解了系统输出电压、输出位移,分析了负载阻值、激励频率值和磁铁间距等相关参数对于系统输出性能的影响情况。 In order to achieve the purpose of broadening the frequency bandwidth and improving the out- put performance of the piezoelectric energy harvester (PEH), a type of a piezoelectric energy harvester with magnetic oscillator(MPEH) is designed and studied in this paper. According to the basic structure of the MPEH, the corresponding electromechanical coupling model is established, and the dynamic equation and the electrical equation are derived. The fourth order Runge Kutta method is used to complete the anal- ysis of the response of the output voltage and output displacement of the system and influence of load re- sistance, excitation frequency value and the magnet gap parameters on the system.
出处 《南昌工程学院学报》 CAS 2016年第4期18-21,共4页 Journal of Nanchang Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20410762)
关键词 压电 磁耦合 机电耦合模型 龙格库塔法 piezoelectric magnetic oscillator electromechanical coupling model Runge Kutta
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