

A numerical study on foundry filling process based on SPH method
摘要 数值方法模拟铸造充型过程一直是铸造学科的研究热点,考虑利用光滑粒子流体动力学(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics,SPH)方法研究铸造充型过程。SPH方法是一种成熟的无网格粒子数值计算方法,特别适合模拟大变形问题。在建立充型过程的计算模型的基础之上,通过弓形件和环形件两个充型的水模拟算例,并与实验和文献中结果比较,展示了本文SPH算法在处理铸造充型问题中的优势。 Numerical simulation for foundry filling process is always a hot research topic of casting .Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is presented to simulate foundry filling process in this paper .A mature meshless particle numeri‐cal method ,the SPH method is good for mimicking large deformation .By establishing the model of filling process ,the SPH method is applied to simulate water filling process of bow‐shaped and annular models .Compared with the results of the literature and experiments ,the SPH algorithm presented in this paper shows its advantages in solving foundry filling problems .
作者 周学君 陈丁
出处 《黄冈师范学院学报》 2016年第3期12-17,共6页 Journal of Huanggang Normal University
基金 湖北省教育厅科学技术研究项目(B2015218)
关键词 光滑粒子流体动力学 铸造充型 无网格 数值模拟 smoothed particle hydrodynamics foundry filling meshless numerical simulation
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