
论宗教伦理学与文学伦理学视域下的卡夫卡小说 被引量:1

A Study on Kafka's Novels from the Perspectives of Religious Ethics and Literary Ethics
摘要 宗教伦理学旨在研究宗教伦理关系及其准则的一门科学,它的基本内容主要探讨宗教中的伦理盟约、伦理教导、伦理法律以及因违背这些规则所犯下的伦理罪行。这种学说与聂珍钊教授的文学伦理学学说有很多相同之处,尤其是在用宗教伦理学研究文学的时候。卡夫卡的小说,具有浓厚的宗教伦理和文学伦理的氛围。卡夫卡对犹太教的弃绝,使他成为了大地上的异乡人。正是这种弃绝上帝后所处的孤独生存境况,使他比同时代的西方人,对'上帝之死'后的现代西方人在精神和灵魂上无家可归的孤独感、恐惧感和绝望感有更深切的感受。因此,在卡夫卡的小说中,主人公对人类失去的精神家园的渴求和寻找更加急迫。在卡夫卡看来,现代西方人的孤独、恐惧和漂泊,根本原因在于违背了上帝的伦理盟约,并犯下了以通奸和弃绝上帝为代表的伦理原罪。 Religious ethics aims to study the relations of religious ethics and its basic tenets, such as ethical testaments, instructions, laws as well as the ethical sins that people commit due to the violation of these rules. Religious ethics has much in common with literary ethics advocated by Professor Nie Zhenzhao, especially when it is used to study literature. Kafka’s fiction is highly characterized with the religious ethics and literary ethics. The desertion of Judaism made Kafka a lonely man in the world. It was this desertion of God and his lonely living condition that made Kafka more concerned than his contemporaries with the mood of loneliness, fear and despair felt by the modern westerners after the death of God. Therefore, in Kafka’s novels, the protagonists are more eager to look for man’s lost spiritual home. To Kafka, the fundamental reason that modern westerners suffer from loneliness, fear and vagrancy lies in that they have disobeyed the ethical testaments of the God and committed the ethical original sins represented by adultery and the desertion of God.
作者 田俊武
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期15-22,共8页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 卡夫卡 犹太教 孤独 死亡 宗教伦理 文学伦理 Kafka Judaism loneliness death religious ethics literary ethics
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