Rh血型系统是临床血型问题中出现频率非常高的血型系统,国内外报道中又以抗E最为多见。Diego血型系统主要有Di^a及Di^b等位抗原,由于频率分布的缘故,Di(a-b+)表型抗原在中国汉族人群中约90%。近期笔者在对1例阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症(paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria,PNH)患者的输血前备血检测中发现有意外抗体,并经过一系列试验确定该患者血液中含有混合的抗Di^a及抗E抗体,最后提供了相合的血液,现报告如下。
We intend to identify the type and specificity of the patient's irregular antibodies and provide consistent blood.The antibody screening test,spectrum cells test and acid elution test were used to confirm the irregular antibody types.The patient had anti-Di^a and anti-E mixed antibodies.The specific analysis of the comprehensive detection technology for the mixed antibodies of patients is necessary for the clinical blood type work,and is the important method to ensure the safety of blood transfusion.
Journal of Clinical Hematology(Blood Transfusion & Laboratory Medicine)