
1951—2015年乌鲁木齐市寒潮过程频数及强度气候特征 被引量:41

Climate Characteristics of Frequency and Intensity of Cold Wave Processes in Urumqi During 1951- 2015
摘要 利用乌鲁木齐市气象站1951年1月1日至2015年12月31日的最低气温资料,以日最低气温及其降温幅度为指标,基于降温过程定义,结合《寒潮等级》(GB/T21987—2008),整理出乌鲁木齐市近65 a来寒潮过程数据库,分析乌鲁木齐市寒潮过程的频数、持续日数和6项强度要素气候特征。结果表明:(1)近65 a来,乌鲁木齐市共出现265次寒潮过程,平均每年4.1次。春季4月寒潮过程最多,占18.3%。寒潮异常偏多年,秋季11月寒潮过程最多,异常偏少年,春季4月寒潮过程最多;(2)年以及秋、冬、春季的寒潮过程频数大多在1950年代最多,近5 a(2011—2015年)最少。秋季的寒潮过程频数百分率在下降,而春季从1950年代的28.4%增加到近5 a的50.0%;(3)寒潮过程持续日数平均为2.86 d,其中持续2-4 d的过程占78.9%。一般寒潮和强寒潮过程持续日数以2-4 d为主,而特强寒潮过程以1-3 d为主。在寒潮过程相对较多的春季,随寒潮等级从一般、强到特强,过程持续日数越来越短;(4)寒潮过程降温幅度平均值为-13.45℃,冬季12月的过程降温幅度最大。过程最大24 h、48 h和72 h降温幅度平均值分别为-8.64℃、-11.74℃和-13.67℃,24 h降温幅度以春季5月最为剧烈,48 h和72 h降温幅度均以秋季11月最剧烈;(5)寒潮过程最低气温平均值为-11.55℃,冬季1月过程最低气温平均值最低,而5月与9月的寒潮过程最低气温平均值均在0℃以上。寒潮过程日最低气温距平最大偏低幅度的平均值为-8.48℃,一般、强和特强寒潮过程的日气温距平偏低幅度最强的月份分别是5月、2月和12月。 Based on minimum air temperature of Urumqi meteorological station from January 1 st, 1951 to December 31 th, 2015, with daily minimum temperature and temperature falling range as indexes, the database of cold wave processes in Urumqi in recent 65 years was built according to the "Grades of cold wave"( GB/T 21987 -2008 ) , and the climate characteristics of frequency, lasting days and six intensity elements of cold wave processes were analyzed. The results are as follows : ( 1 ) There were 265 times cold wave processes occurring in Urumqi and 4.1 times per year on average in recent 65 years, among them, the general, strong and extra strong cold wave processes were 157, 56 and 52 times, respectively. Cold wave processes often occurred from September to next May, in April it was most with about 18.4%. In more cold wave years, the frequency of cold wave processes was highest in November, conversely, it was hightest in April. (2)The annual, spring, autumn and winter frequencies of cold wave process were maximum in the 1950s and minimum in the recent five years (2011 -2015 ). The frequency percentage of cold wave process was falling in autumn, but in spring it increased from 28.4% in the 1950s to 50.0% in recent five years. (3) The mean lasting days of cold wave process was about 2.86 d, it accounted for 78.9% that cold wave processes lasted about 2 to 4 days, and the average lasting periods of general, strong, extra strong cold wave processes were about 2.87 days, 2.75 days and 2.92 days. (4) The mean temperature falling range during cold wave processes in Urumqi was - 13.45 ℃, and in December it was maximum. The maximum temperature falling range of 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours was about - 8.64 ℃, - 11.74 ℃ and - 13.67℃ on average, respectively. Temperature falling range of 24 hours was largest in May, and for 48 hours and 72 hours, they were strongest in November. (5) The average minimum air temperature during cold wave processes was - 11.55℃. It was lowest in January, a
作者 毛炜峄 陈颖
出处 《干旱气象》 2016年第3期403-411,共9页 Journal of Arid Meteorology
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(IDM201502)"新疆区域降温过程及极端低温事件的年 季定量评估研究及应用"资助
关键词 寒潮过程 频数 持续日数 强度 乌鲁木齐 cold wave process frequency lasting days intensity Urumqi
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