

Research on the nitrogen removal efficiency and sludge characteristics of membrane bioreactor under intermittent aeration
摘要 膜生物反应器(MBR)是一种新兴的污水高效处理工艺,其脱氮效能优化和污泥特性也是相关研究热点之一。研究采用间歇曝气的运行方式提高一体式MBR的脱氮效率,并考察了不同工况下活性污泥浓度及脱氮酶活性,结果表明,间歇曝气有效地强化了MBR的反硝化作用,显著地增强了其脱氮效能,而NH_4^+-N及COD的去除几乎未受影响;活性污泥浓度增长缓慢平稳,脱氢酶活性因污泥龄的延长有小幅下降,间歇曝气未显著影响污泥特性。 Membrane bioreactor (MBR) is an emerging technology for efficient wastewater treatment, and its optimization for nitrogen removal and sludge characteristics is one of the research hotspots. Intermittent aeration was used to improve the nitrogen removal efficiency of the MBR, and the activated sludge concentration and dehydrogenase activity under different conditions were investigated. The results showed that intermittent aeration effectively reinforced the denitrification of the MBR, and enhanced its nitrogen removal significantly, while the removals of NH4^+-N and COD were almost not influenced. The concentration of activated sludge increased slowly and stably, and dehydrogenase activitv decreased sliahtlv as the sludae retention time extended. Intermittent aeration did not affect the sludge characterstics of the MBR.
作者 李晓阳
出处 《再生资源与循环经济》 2016年第8期42-44,共3页 Recyclable Resources and Circular Economy
关键词 膜生物反应器(MBR) 间歇曝气 脱氮 污泥特性 membrane bioreactor (MBR) intermittent aeration nitrogen removal sludge characteristics
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