
The Concept of the Higher/the Lower Energy in the Atmopadesa Satakam of Narayana Guru

The Concept of the Higher/the Lower Energy in the Atmopadesa Satakam of Narayana Guru
摘要 The paper presents an analysis of the concept of the higher/the lower energy (para-apara maya/prakrti/sakti) in the Atmopadesa Satakam ("One Hundred Verses of Self-instruction"), the most important philosophical work of Narayana Guru composed in Malayalam. In order to better understand the issue, the same pair of opposites is discussed at length on the basis of Narayana's earlier Malayalam poems--devotional hymns (Siva Satakarn--"One Hundred Verses on Siva", Kah Natakam--"Dance of Kali", and Janani Nava Ratna Manjari--"Nine Gemmed Bouquet to Mother") as well as later Sanskrit philosophical work [Darsuna Mala--"Garland of Visions"). The comparative analysis of these texts demonstrates that--whereas Darsana Mala reflects more or less accurately Vedantic concepts, Atrnopadesa Satakam presents deeply syncretic formation, influenced to a large extent by philosophical systems related to bhakti (devotion), like Sata or Saiva Siddhanta. The reason for such a state of affairs could be the purpose of Malayalam work destined to become vehicle for instructions given to lower caste people in Kerala. The paper offers an analysis of the relevant passages of the texts accompanied with explanatory notes extracted from the commentarial literature.
作者 Hanna Urbanska Hanna Urbanska(University of Wroclaw, Poland)
机构地区 University of Wroclaw
出处 《Sociology Study》 2016年第4期245-254,共10页
关键词 Para/apara sakti Atrnopadesa Satakarn Narayan. a Guru Saivism Saiva Siddhanta 低能量 哲学体系 文本合并 SATA 喀拉拉邦 著作 注释
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