Objective To study the chromaticity values of facial region point of healthy people, patients with liver cirrhosis during compensation period and decompensation period by using of traditional Chinese medicine facial viscera partition method. Methods A total of 198 cases with compensated liver cirrhosis, 164 cases with decompensated liver cirrhosis, and 134 cases of healthy people. The HSV values of the full face, frontal area, nose, lips, right and left cheeks ar- ea, each part of the eye area of all the patients were measured. Resluts There were significant differences between healthy people and the patients with liver cirrhosis (compensation period and decompensation period) in the chromaticity values of facial region points. The H value, V value on cirrhosis cheek, eyes and full face in patients with liver cirrhosis were lower than healthy people. The value of S (brilliance) of the buccal area, the eye area and full face of patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis was higher than compensatory period. Conclusion The cheek' s, eye' s and facial color of patients with cirrhosis is darker than healthy people, and with the degree of liver cirrhosis, certain parts of the color will gradually deepen. The color of cheek area, the whole eye area and face in patients with liver cirrhosis is more gloomy than healthy people, the facial lightness of the patients with liver cirrhosis during decompensation phase is more gloomy than the patients during compensatory phase.
Beijing Medical Journal
liver cirrhosis
viscera partitions
color diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine