Academic Review
1Arctic Council. Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment 2009 Report. 2009 [ 2012-11-21 ]. http: f/arctic-council, org/filearchive/amsa2009report, pdf. 被引量:1
2Marchenko N. Russian Arctic Seas-Navigational conditions and accidents. Berlin: Springer-~erlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 8-10, 114-115. doi: 10. 1007/978-3-642-22125-5. 被引量:1
3Mulherin D N. The Northern Sea Route-Its Development and Evolving State of Operations in the 1990s. Philadelphia: the American Society for Tes- ting and Materials, 1996 : 1-2. 被引量:1
4Stepanov V I, Orebech P and Brubaker D R. Legal Implications for the Russian Northern Sea Route and Westward in the Barents Sea. 2005 [2012- 11-23 ]. http ://www. fni. no/doc&pdf/FNI-R0405, pdf. 被引量:1
5Kitagawa H. Perspective of Northern Sea Route Development of Far East Russia & JANSROP-GIS Protection of Environment for the Sea of Okhotsk. Tokyo : Kaisei Co, 2006 [ 2012-11-23 ]. http ://www. sof. or. jp/en/report/pdtV200602_ISBN4_88404_169_0, pdf. 被引量:1
6Sander G, Mikkelsen E. The Arctic Ocean is not an important shipping route yet. 2012 [ 2012-11-20 ]. http://sciencenordic, corn/arctic-ocean-not- important -shipping-route-% E2 % 80 % 93 -yet. 被引量:1
7Pettersen T. 46 vessels through Northern Sea Route. 2012 [ 2013-06-04 ]. http://barentsobserver, com/en/arctic/2012/ll/46-vessels-through- northern-sea-route-23-11. 被引量:1
8Pettersen T. Cargo record on Northern Sea Route. 2012 [ 2012-11-23 ]. http://barentsobserver, com/en/business/cargo-record-northern-sea-route- 15-10. 被引量:1
9NSIDC. Arctic sea ice extent settles at record seasonal minimum. 2012 [ 2012-11-22 ]. http://nsidc, org/arcticseaicenews/2012/09/. 被引量:1
10EIA. Norway. 2011 [ 2012-05-23 ]. http ://205. 254. 135.7/EMEU/eabs/Norway/pdf. pdf. 被引量:1
1陈明义.关注北极,积极参与北极的科考、环保和资源开发[J].福建论坛(人文社会科学版),2013(7):5-9. 被引量:3
2杨振姣,刘雪霞,战海霞.北极治理的中国参与问题研究综述[J].中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版),2014(4):32-37. 被引量:1
3马建文,吴恒涛,魏恩平,王波.中国在北极航运战略上的PEST分析[J].世界海运,2015,38(6):1-4. 被引量:6
4郑雷.北极东北航道:沿海国利益与航行自由[J].国际论坛,2016,18(2):7-12. 被引量:4
5封帅.概念红利、内生性障碍与俄罗斯北方海航道开发的战略困境?[J].俄罗斯东欧中亚研究,2016(2):75-97. 被引量:4
6杨振姣,张立学.北极航道安全研究文献综述[J].海洋信息,2016,31(1):56-62. 被引量:10
7奚源.中国社会科学领域北极研究评估:2007-2016年[J].领导科学论坛,2017,0(1):88-95. 被引量:1
8狄少丞,季顺迎,薛彦卓.船舶在平整冰区行进过程的离散元分析[J].海洋工程,2017,35(3):59-69. 被引量:14
9奚源.中国参与北极资源开发战略研究——基于渐进决策理论的视角[J].理论月刊,2017(7):171-176. 被引量:6
10戴长雷,张晓红,于淼,ANNikolaev,NRMaximov.大连至北冰洋季克西港陆河联运路线的可行性研究[J].地理学报,2019,74(6):1224-1235. 被引量:7
1廖小韵,张侠,徐汉卿,刘根友,薛怀平,胡小刚,郝晓光.北极航道在新编世界地图上的表示[J].测绘科学,2009,34(S2):162-163. 被引量:6
3刘存荣.漫谈北极航线[J].中学地理教学参考,2009(1):43-43. 被引量:1
4杨振姣,张立学.北极航道安全研究文献综述[J].海洋信息,2016,31(1):56-62. 被引量:10
5屈浩然,Kevin Banks,David Paul.战争和生态的博弈 “航道开通日,就是地球衰落时?”[J].环球人文地理,2013(9):38-47.
6何剑锋,吴荣荣,张芳,王勇,俞勇.北极航道相关海域科学考察研究进展[J].极地研究,2012,24(2):187-196. 被引量:20
10邵晨,蒋雪中,恽才兴.基于多源共享数据的北极航道海域冰情分析[J].上海国土资源,2015,36(1):90-94. 被引量:2