
固态氚增值剂陶瓷微球制备工艺研究进展 被引量:1

Research Progress of Fabrication Process for Solid State Tritium Breeders
摘要 根据聚变反应堆的结构设计,在基于核聚变反应的DEMO包层、ITER-DB包层和TBM包层都将需要约100吨的固态氚增殖陶瓷微球。在众多锂基陶瓷中,Li_4SiO_4和Li_2TiO_3陶瓷微球被认为是最有潜力的固态氚增殖剂。目前,国内外Li_4SiO_4和Li_2TiO_3微球的制备工艺已日趋成熟,如熔融法,湿法,机械滚动法等。但是,这些制备工艺绝大多数都还局限于实验室水平(公斤级),能同时满足微球综合性能好、易于扩大批量化且经济的制备工艺却较少。针对未来聚变堆包层对氚增殖陶瓷微球的巨大需求,本文从经济、环保、产量、生产效率、性能指标等方面全面评价了国内Li_4SiO_4和Li_2TiO_3固态氚增值剂陶瓷微球制备工艺的优缺点。同时,综述了目前国际上新型氚增殖陶瓷微球的研究现状。 Base on structural design of the fusion reactor, about 100 tons of solid state tritium breeders will be filled in the DEMO, ITER-DB and TBM blankets. Among the lithium based ceramic tritium breeding pebbles, Li4SiO4 and Li2TiO3 pebbles have been considered as the most potential tritium breeding candidate materials. Currently, the fabrication process of Li4SiO4 and Li2TiO3 ceramic pebbles are maturing, such as melt-spray method, wet method, and machine-rolling method. However, almost all of the fabrication processes are limited to lab-scale (kilogram level), and a few fabrication process achieve economics, environmental and easy mass production simultaneously. In order to meet the enormous demands of ceramic tritium breeding pebbles for future fusion blankets, the merit and demerit of the fabrication process of Li4SiO4 and Li2TiO3 pebbles were evaluated based on the economy, environment-friendly, yield, and production efficiency of the fabrication process and comprehensive performances of the fabricated pebbles. In addition, development of the advanced tritium breeders in China and abroad was summarized.
出处 《现代技术陶瓷》 CAS 2016年第4期241-252,共12页 Advanced Ceramics
基金 国家自然科学基金(51372017) 国家磁约束核聚变能源研究专项(2015GB121006)
关键词 Li4SiO4 Li2TiO3 微球 氚增殖剂 Li4SiO4 Li2TiO3 Pebbles Tritium breeder.
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