Let G =(V1,V2,E) be a balanced bipartite graph with2 n vertices.The bipartite binding number of G,denoted by B(G),is defined to be n if G =Kn and min i∈{1,2}|N(S)|〈n min |N(S)|/|S|otherwise.We call G bipancyclic if it contains a cycle of every even length m for 4 ≤ m ≤ 2n.A theorem showed that if G is a balanced bipartite graph with 2n vertices,B(G) 〉 3 / 2 and n 139,then G is bipancyclic.This paper generalizes the conclusion as follows:Let 0 〈 c 〈 3 / 2 and G be a 2-colmected balanced bipartite graph with 2n(n is large enough) vertices such that B(G) c and δ(G)(2-c)n/(3-c)+2/3.Then G is bipancyclic.
Let G =(V1,V2,E) be a balanced bipartite graph with2 n vertices.The bipartite binding number of G,denoted by B(G),is defined to be n if G =Kn and min i∈{1,2}|N(S)|〈n min |N(S)|/|S|otherwise.We call G bipancyclic if it contains a cycle of every even length m for 4 ≤ m ≤ 2n.A theorem showed that if G is a balanced bipartite graph with 2n vertices,B(G) 〉 3 / 2 and n 139,then G is bipancyclic.This paper generalizes the conclusion as follows:Let 0 〈 c 〈 3 / 2 and G be a 2-colmected balanced bipartite graph with 2n(n is large enough) vertices such that B(G) c and δ(G)(2-c)n/(3-c)+2/3.Then G is bipancyclic.
Supported by the Scientific Research Fund of Hubei Provincial Education Department(B2015021)