目的了解和掌握北京市天坛社区卫生服务中心(以下简称"本中心")2010-2015年口服心脑血管类中成药的用药情况。方法利用本中心医院信息系统数据库,对2010-2015年口服心脑血管类中成药用药品种、用量、销售金额进行统计分析,并计算出各药的用药频度(DDDs)、限定日费用(DDC)和排序比值(B/A)。结果 2010-2015年口服心脑血管类中成药的用药品种占总用药品种的23.67%;销售金额平均年增长率为11.96%,占总金额的48.73%。6年内DDDs均呈上升趋势,其中复方丹参滴丸稳居第一。从DDC和B/A值可见,大部分口服心脑血管类中成药日用金额在10元以下,B/A≈1,说明此类药品同步性较好,药品使用频率高。2010-2015年本中心口服心脑血管类中成药占主导地位,这与就诊患者以中老年人居多有关。期间本中心药品频度变化不大,结构相对比较稳定。结论本中心口服心脑血管类中成药用药情况基本合理,但还存在不合理用药问题,需要加强管理。
Objective To investigate the usage of oral cardio-cerebrovascular Chinese patent medicine in Tiantan Community Health Service Center of Beijing(hereinafter referred to as "the centre") during 2010-2015. Methods Varieties, dosage and sales amount of oral cardio-cerebrovascula Chinese patent medicine during 2010-2015 were analyzed through hospital information system database of the centre. DDDs, DDC and B/A values were calculated. Results Oral cardio-cerebrovascular Chinese patent medicine accounted for 23.67% of all kinds of medicine during 2010-2015. The average annual growth rate of the amount of sales was 11.96%, accounting for 48.73% of total sales. DDDs showed an upward trend over six years, including DDDs of Compound Danshen Dirpping Pills ranking the first. DDC and B/A also showed the daily cost of most of oral cardio-cerebrovascular Chinese patent medicine was less than 10 yuan. B/A value was approximately equal to 1, indicating that these kinds of medicine had better synchronization, and high frequency of usage. Oral cardio-cerebrovascular Chinese patent medicine dominated in all kinds of Chinese patent medicine during 2010-2015, which was related to the reason that most patients were old people. The frequentness during 2010-2015 in the centre did not changed much, and the structure was relatively stable. Conclusion The usage of oral cardio-cerebrovascular Chinese patent medicine in the center is reasonable, with some problems, which need to be further supervised.
Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese patent medicine
hospital pharmacy