基于滑移网格方法,采用SST k-ω湍流模型研究不同网格划分方式对带前置定子导管式推进器非定常性能的研究。首先基于相对参考坐标系法及滑移网格方法分别对推进器在定常与非定常下的性能进行数值预报,并与试验结果相比验证计算方法的可靠性。基于该方法研究整体网格划分方式与周期性网格对推力系数、扭矩系数与推进器各个方向上的非定常脉动力的影响。研究结果为进一步研究推进器非定常性能提供了参考。
Based on the sliding mesh method, the SST k-co turbulent model was adopted to study the influence of different grid generation method on the unsteady performance of ducted propulsor with pre-stator. Firstly, based on the moving reference frame method and the sliding mesh method, the steady and unsteady performance was separately simulated. Then its numerical results were verified by comparing with experimental results. Furthermore, based on the mentioned method, the difference between the model in integral mesh and that in periodic mesh was compared, such as thrust coefficient, torque coefficient and unsteady force in x, y, z direction. The result provides a reference for further unsteady performance study of propulsor.
Ship Science and Technology