
科学知识经济学还是新科学经济学——结合文本、案例的比较分析 被引量:3

Economics of Scientific Knowledge or New Economics of Science?——Comparative Analysis Based on Text and Case
摘要 目前学界在科学知识经济学概念上达成共识,但在其规范性和与新科学经济学的关系上还有分歧。汉兹对规范性的坚持缩小了科学知识经济学的研究范畴,其文本分析对象的不一致造成新科学经济学的概念模糊。新科学经济学和科学知识经济学都关注优先权规则,前者利用囚徒困境、资源配置研究科学家行为,后者利用期望效用模型分析理论选择问题。它们在科学动机、研究方法、解释方式上存在共同之处。 Nowadays, the concept of economics of scientific knowledge has been reached a consensus. But its normativity and relationship with new economics of science are uncertain. Hands insisted normativity , which narrowed the scope of ESK. The concept of NES was vague because of ineonformity of the text analysis. Concerning the rule of priority, NES studies the behavior of scientists with prisoner's dilemma and resource allocation, while ESK analyzes the problem of theory choice with expected utility model. It is in common among their scientific motivation, research methods and interpretive mode.
作者 王一雪
机构地区 厦门大学哲学系
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期22-26,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目"当代西方科学论的经济学转向研究"(12YJA720019)
关键词 科学知识经济学 新科学经济学 优先权 economics of scientific knowledge new economics of science priority
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