
交易成本、经济规模和经济增长 被引量:3

Transaction Cost,Economic Size and Economic Growth
摘要 鉴于传统交易成本概念的抽象性和复杂性,在传统交易成本概念基础上提出了一个稍加变化的交易成本概念并探讨了交易成本的若干性质及其与经济规模、经济增长之间的关系,提出从简化的角度看,交易成本可由交易时间、交易劳动和金钱成本三部分有机构成观点。通过对交易成本的模型分析,提出只有复杂交易存在最优交易成本的假说。之后,通过建模分析指出,交易成本下降将带来经济规模扩张,而交易成本变化率对经济增长率起决定作用。最后,讨论了最优交易成本和经济规模之间的关系,提出最优的制度应使经济的交易成本达到或接近最优点,从而使经济规模达到或接近最优点。 The paper discussed the property of transaction cost and its relationship with economic size and economic growth. By considering the abstractness and complexity of the traditional concept of transaction cost, the paper first puts forward a revised concept of transaction cost, then analyzes the properties of the transaction cost and explores its relationship with economic size and growth. We point out that transaction cost can be composed organically of transaction time, transaction labor and money cost, further, the paper sets up the hypothesis that only complicated transactions have the optimal transaction cost. It shows that reducing transaction cost will cause the economic size to expand and the change of the growth rate of transaction cost determines the change of economic growth rate. Finally the paper discusses the relationship between the optimal transaction cost and economic size, and we think that the optimal institutional arrangements should have the economy reach the point of optimal transaction cost so as to make the economic size to reach the optimal point.
作者 徐诚直
出处 《审计与经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期120-128,共9页 Journal of Audit & Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11401019)
关键词 商品交易 交易成本 经济规模 经济增长 经济效率 制度安排 生产活动 资源配置 commodity transaction transaction cost economic size economic growth economic efficiency institutional ar- rangements productive activities resources allocation
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