中国石油大庆石化分公司1.4Mt/a重油催化裂化装置存在沉降器结焦严重的问题,制约了装置长周期运转。对提升管出口油气分离系统和汽提段进行分析,得出沉降器结焦的主要原因为:反应器粗旋风分离器升气管开放式布置、没有预汽提设备等使油气在沉降器中停留时间过长,导致结焦;汽提段结构存在缺陷,未根据油气存在状况针对性地采用不同的汽提技术。采用中国石油大学(北京)开发的SVQS油气快速分离系统和MSCS高效组合汽提技术对装置进行改造,标定结果表明,与改造前相比,改造后轻质油收率增加3.46百分点,液体收率增加1.44百分点,焦炭产率降低1.43百分点,装置能耗降低41.5 MJ/t。
The serious eoking in disengager i ed the long-term operation. The analysis on the that the open-type structure of the exit-tube of led to a long residence time of oil and gas in the n 1.4 Mt/a RFCC unit of Daqing Branch of CNPC limit- post-riser system and the stripper of the unit indicated primary cyclone separator without pre-stripping device disengager and coking; the structure defects and single stripping technology of stripping section were the another important reason for the coking in dis The technologies of SVQS (oil and gas quick separation system) and MSCS (high efficiency combination technology) developed by China University of Petroleum (Beijing) were employ vamp the disengager. The results show that the light oil yield increases 3.46 percentage points liquid yield increases 1.44 percentage points, while the coke yield decreases 1.43 percentage po the unit energy consumption reduces by 41. MJ/t.
Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals