
自由空气中CO_2浓度和温度增高对粳稻叶片光合作用日变化的影响 被引量:19

Effects of elevated atmospheric CO_2 and temperature on diurnal courses of photosynthesis in leaves of Japonica rice
摘要 利用中国稻田开放式空气CO2浓度增高系统(free air CO2 enrichment, FACE),以常规粳稻“武运粳23”为试验材料,设置两个CO2浓度(环境和高CO2浓度)和两个气温水平(环境温度和高温),测定水稻移栽后61、75、92、109和118 d不同时刻(09:00、11:00、13:00、15:00和17:00)叶片的光合作用,研究增高的CO2浓度和温度及其互作对大田生长水稻光合作用日变化的影响。结果表明:大气CO2浓度增高200 μmol·mol^-1使移栽后61 d各时刻净光合速率(Pn)和水分利用效率(WUE)均大幅增加(约40%),但随生育进程推移增幅明显变小,至灌浆末期接近对照水平;高CO2浓度使移栽后75、92和109 d不同时刻气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)多呈一致的下降趋势,最高降幅分别为14%和5%;高CO2浓度对水稻生长前期叶片胞间与周围空气CO2浓度之比(Ci/Ca)和气孔限制值(Ls)多无显著影响,但使最后3个测定时期Ci/Ca明显增加(4%~8%),Ls因此大幅下降(10%~27%);大田生长期平均增温1 ℃使水稻生长前期各时刻叶片Pn、Gs、Tr和WUE多呈增加趋势,但至生长末期多呈相反趋势;大气CO2浓度和温度增高对移栽后61 d叶片Pn有微弱的正向互作,但对其他时期以及对其他光合参数多无交互作用。综上所述,大气CO2浓度增高200μmol·mol^-1对常规粳稻“武运粳23”光合参数的影响明显大于增温1 ℃;两种生长温度下CO2熏蒸水稻均表现出明显的光合适应现象。 A widely cultivated inbred Japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) Wuyunjing 23 was grown at two levels of CO2 (ambient and elevated CO2 concentration) and two temperature regimes (ambient and elevated temperature) by using a free air CO2enrichment (FACE) technology. The diurnal courses (i.e., at 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 and 17:00) of leaf photosynthesis at different growth stages of rice were measured, namely 61, 75, 92, 109 and 118 days after transplanting (DAT). Net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and leaf water use efficiency (WUE) of rice on 61 DAT increased nearly 40% by elevated CO2 concentration (200 μmol·mol^-1 more than ambient CO2). The increment significantly decreased with the advance of the growth stages, and even disappeared at the late grainfilling stage. A consistent trend of decrease was detected on stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Tr) at different time points on 75, 92 and 109 DAT under elevated CO2 concentration, and the greatest reduction reached 14% and 5% for Gs and Tr, respectively. Elevated CO2 concentration had no significant effect on the ratio of intercellular to air CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca) and stomatal limitation value (Ls) during the early rice growth season, but significantly increased Ci/Ca at the last three growth stages in the range of 4%-8%, resulting in decreases in Ls in the range of 10%-27%. Average temperature increase of 1℃ had a positive effect onPn, Gs, Tr and WUE at the early rice growth stages, but negative effects were found at the late grain filling stages. No clear CO2 by temperature interaction was detected for most of the measured photosynthetic traits except Pn on 61 DAT. The above results suggested that the elevated atmospheric CO2 level had a greater effect than the elevated temperature on photosynthetic parameters of Wuyunjing 23. The elevated CO2 induced photosynthetic down-regulation on rice was observed at two temperature regimes.
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期2404-2416,共13页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 国家自然科学基金(31261140364 31571597 31371563和31171460) 江苏省作物栽培生理重点实验室开放课题(K13015) 江苏省高校"青蓝工程"项目(苏教师﹝2016﹞15号) 江苏食品药品职业技术学院(3011500115) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程项目资助
关键词 水稻 开放式空气CO2浓度增高 二氧化碳 温度 光合作用 日变化 适应 rice free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) carbon dioxide temperature photosynthesis diurnal variation adaptation.
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