目的 探讨应用膀胱前壁瓣重建新尿道治疗女性全尿道狭窄或缺如的疗效.方法 回顾性分析2009年1月至2015年11月采用膀胱壁瓣重建新尿道治疗11例女性全尿道狭窄或缺如患者的临床资料,其中4例伴阴道远端狭窄或闭锁,近端阴道严重积液.年龄5 ~ 48岁,平均16岁.病因:外伤致骨盆骨折尿道损伤后尿道闭锁9例,尿道癌行全尿道切除1例,先天性膀胱外翻尿道缺如1例.全麻下行新尿道重建术.从膀胱颈部向膀胱前壁分离出宽2.0~2.5 cm、长4.0~4.5 cm的带蒂膀胱壁瓣,以F12~14导管做支架,用4-0可吸收线连续缝合黏膜和3-0可吸收线间断缝合肌层.管状的膀胱壁瓣反转至原尿道外口区域形成新尿道.4例阴道远端严重狭窄或闭锁患者同时行阴道成形术,包括取外阴部带蒂皮瓣阴道成形2例和近端扩大的阴道腔壁重建阴道外口2例.结果 本组11例在围手术期均无严重并发症,术后3~4周拔除导尿管,7例排尿通畅且能控制排尿,3例有压力性尿失禁,1例有排尿困难.1例排尿困难者行膀胱镜检查发现在膀胱颈部12点至3点处有黏膜脱垂,阻塞内口.将脱垂黏膜切除后,患者排尿通畅,无尿失禁.术后随访6~72个月,平均38个月.2例分别于术后3个月和4个月感排尿困难,检查发现1例膀胱颈部黏膜脱垂,另一例尿道外口狭窄,分别采用经颈部电切脱垂黏膜和外阴皮瓣尿道口成形后排尿通畅.3例压力性尿失禁者中1例于术后1年行尿道悬吊术,术后控尿完全,另2例在等待手术.4例阴道积液者术后积液均消失.结论 应用膀胱前壁瓣重建尿道是治疗女性全尿道狭窄或缺如的一种有效方法.
Objective To explore the efficacy of constructing the neourethra using a bladder anterior wall for the treatment of female total urethral stricture or atresia.Methods We retrospectively reviewed 11 female patients with total urethral stricture or oblitalition,who were underwent a procedure of reconstructive neourethra using a bladder anterior wall,from January 2009 to November 2015.Of the 11 patients,urethral stricture was associated with vesicovaginal fistula and a severe hydrocolpos in the proximal vagina because of vaginal anterior strictures or atresia in four girls.The mean age was 16 years (ranging 5-48 years) in all patients.The etiology was posttraumatic urethral injuries after pelvic fracture in 9 patients,radical urethral resection because of urethral cancer in 1 patient and congenital bladder exstrophy with an absent urethra in 1 patient.All patients underwent a procedure of neourethral construction under general anesthesia.The bladder anterior wall,which was about 2.0 to 2.5 cm in width and 4.0 ~4.5cm in length,was separated from bladder neck to middle partion of the anterior bladder wall.The bladder flap was tubularized around a 12-14 French catheter using continuous 4-0 polyglycolic acid sutures for the mucosa and interrupted sutures of 3-0 polyglycolic acid for the muscle.The tubularized flap was then flipped caudally to the site of the original external urethral meatus to form a new urethra.4 patients with severe stenosis or oblitalition of the distal vagina underwent a procedure of vaginoplasty at same time,including island vulvar flaps enlarging vaginoplasty in two girls and reconstructive vaginal orifice using the proximal enlargedvagina wall in other two girls.Results There were no serious complications postoperatively.The catheter was removed 3 ~4 weeks after the operation.7 patients were completely continent with excellent voiding,3 patients had stress incontinence.One patient experienced dysuria.And the urethroscopy in this case showed that the mucosal prolapse was present at the 12
Chinese Journal of Urology
Bladder wall flap