目的分析某大型综合医院独立型日间手术病房运行指标,探讨当前医院日间病房及日间手术存在的现状和问题。方法从电子病案系统中,调取2014年全年入院病区为日间病房的1226条患者病案首页,以及2014年相关科室普通病房出院病案首页,进行数据归类整理,描述性统计分析。结果 2014年日间病房使用率为24.52%;本市患者占73.49%;收治患者以计划生育和普通外科为主,分别占38.99%和26.02%,且计划生育在普通病房仍收治了676名住院1日的患者;开展的手术主要为电吸人流术和单侧腹股沟疝,分别占33.77%和19.43%;日间患者医疗费用自付比例达64.77%。结论日间手术病房使用率较低,收治患者病种和手术种类单一,还有可以利用日间病房床位资源的普通病房患者,日间病房患者费用自付比例较高。
Objectives To analyze the operational index of the independent day surgery ward in a large general hospital, and to discuss the current situation and problems of the day surgery ward. Methods 1226 pieces of medical records home pages from the day surgery ward and the relevant medical records home pages from other wards in 2014 were collected from the electronic medical record system, and analyzed by descriptive statistics. Results The bed utilization ratio was 24.52%, local patients(73.49%) accounted for the majority. 38.99% and 26.02% patients were admitted respectively by the family planning doctors and general surgery doctors.676 patients for 1-day hospitalization were admitted to the general ward of family planning department. The most operations were electric suction abortion(33.77%) and unilateral inguinal hernia(19.43%). Proportion of out-of-pocket medication costs for"1-day stay"patients reached 64.77%. Conclusions Our results demonstrate a low bed utilization ratio of day surgery ward,which limited admission disease entities and operation types.The out-of-pocket medication costs proportion was high.Besides,it remained many patients in general ward which could be hospitalized in day surgery ward.
Chinese Medical Record
Day surgery
Operation analysis