在Al Cl3催化剂作用下,将癸烯与1-n C18按不同比例合成高性能聚α-烯烃基础油,考察反应温度、反应时间和C10与C18质量分数对混合齐聚反应的影响,采用响应面法设计实验,并对实验条件进行最优选择。结果表明,在实验条件下,用癸烯与1-n C18烯烃混聚可制备高性能的润滑油基础油。响应曲面法分析中,对黏度交互影响最显著的因素是时间A和温度B,最佳取值为3 h和50℃;对黏度指数交互影响最显著的因素是时间A和温度B,最佳取值为3 h和75℃;对倾点交互影响最显著的因素是时间A和温度B,最佳取值为3 h和25℃;对收率交互影响最显著的因素是时间A和C10与C18质量分数C,最佳取值为3 h,C10与C18质量分数分别为100%和15%。
The poly-cx-olefin lube base oil was synthesized with different ratios of decene to 1-nC18 feed- stock on A1C13 catalyst. The effects of reaction temperatures, reaction time, and C10/C18 molar ratios on oligomerization were investigated. The experiments were designed by using response surface method, and the experimental conditions were optimized. The results showed that lubricant base oil with high perform- ance could be prepared by polymerization of decene and 1-octadecene. The analytic results of response surface method indicated that the significant factors of the interation for the viscosity, viscosity index and pour point were time A and temperature B, and their optimal values were 3 h and 50 ℃,3 h and 75 ℃, and 3 h and 25 ℃, respectively ; the significant factors of the interation for the yield were time A and C10/C18 mass fraction C,the optimal values of which were 3 h and 100% and 15% ,respectively.
Industrial Catalysis