戊型肝炎(hepatitis E,HE)是由戊型肝炎病毒(hepatitis E virus,HEV)感染引起的一类病毒性肝炎。自从20世纪80年代HEV被发现以来,近30年里人们对戊型肝炎的研究不断深入。戊型肝炎通常是一种自限性疾病,但最近研究发现免疫力低下的人群,如人类免疫缺陷病毒感染者、器官移植接受者或者接受免疫抑制治疗的恶性肿瘤患者等感染HEV,甚至普通人感染后,均可能发展为慢性戊型肝炎(chronic hepatitis E,CHE)。然而,目前国际上尚无治疗慢性戊型肝炎的特异性药物及方法,本文将对国内外临床上慢性戊型肝炎的治疗方法及潜在药物作一综述。
Hepatitis E (HE) is a serious disease caused by HEV (Hepatitis E virus, HEV) infection. HEV has been found in the 1980s, it has been investigated for nearly 30 years. Although HE is generally considered as a self-limited disease, recent studies have confirmed that immunocompromised patients, such as patients infect- ed with human immunodeficiency virus, receiving organ transplantation or cancer patient receiving immuno- suppressive therapy are prone to develop chronic hepatitis (chronic hepatitis E, CHE), and even health people has been reported to be CHE. However, there are still no specifc medicines to cure chronic hepatitis E in the world. This paper is aim to review the clinical treatment strategies of chronic hepatitis E and potential drugs.
Chemistry of Life