目的分析手足口病的流行病学特征,为预防控制手足口病的爆发流行提供依据。方法以某院2010—2014年报告的1 365例手足口病为研究对象,分析性别、年龄、流行月份、职业、病原学等。结果 1365例病例中,无重症病例和死亡病例,男多于女,男女比例为1.43∶1,职业分布主要以散居儿童为主有778例约占57%,其次为幼托儿童544例约占40%;年龄最大31岁,最小1个月,平均年龄(2.46±2.12)岁,3岁以下儿童1 102例,约占80.7%;流行月份为4、5、6、7月最多,共895例,占65.5%;11、12月有个小高峰,232例,占16.9%;120例确诊病例中,EV7 156例占46.7%,Cox A1634例占28.3%,其它肠道病毒30例占25%,2010、2012年EV71型相对较多。结论手足口病患病主要为3岁以下儿童,流行月份有一定规律,EV71流行的年份,发病人数增加,成人在密切接触后也可患病。
Objective To analyze the characteristics of epidemiology of hand-foot-and-mouth disease and provide basis for preventing and controlling the occurrence of hand-food-mouth disease. Methods 1 365 cases of patients with hand-foot- and-mouth disease reported in some hospital from 2010 to 2014 were selected as the research objects, and the gender, age, epidemiological month, occupation and etiology were analyzed. Results In 1 365 cases, there was no serious case and death case, and the ratio of male and female was 1.43: 1, the male was more than the female, the occupational distribution was mainly scattered children, there were 778 cases, accounting for 57% or so, the second was kindergarten children, there were 544 cases, accounting for 40% or so, and the age ranged from 1-month to 31 years old, and the average age was (2.46±2.12), 1 102 cases of children aged below 3 accounted for 80.7% or so, and the epidemiological month was April, May, June and July, and July was the most, there were 895 cases, accounting for 65.5%; there was a small peak between November and December with 232 cases, accounting for 16.9%, in the 120 cases confirmed, EV71 occurred to 56 cases, accounting for 46.7%, CoxAlb occurred to 34 cases, accounting for 28.3%, and other enteroviruses occurred to 30 cases, accounting for 25%, and EV71 type was relatively more in 2010 and 2012. Conclusion Hand-foot-and-mouth disease mainly occurs to children whose ages are below 3, the epidemiological month has a certain rule, and the incidence number increases in the epidemiological month of EV71, and the adults may suffer from disease after close contact.
China Health Industry
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease
Analysis of characteristics