以乌兰木伦矿区煤矸石为研究对象,通过X射线荧光法分析煤矸石的化学组分,消解测定煤矸石中微量元素,在N2气氛中低温慢速热解分析煤矸石中各种成分,分析煤矸石的微量元素组成特征、转化规律以及热解特性。结果表明:乌兰木伦矿区煤矸石中常量组分主要以Si O2、Al2O3为主,石英和高岭石占主要成分;煤矸石含有多种微量元素,且含量排序为Ba>Zn>B>V>Cu>Cr>Ni>Sr>Mn>Se>Cd>Hg>As,元素的聚集分布明显受地质条件、动植物遗体以及生物活动的影响;煤矸石的热解产物受温度影响较大,在不同温度区间产物CH4、H2、H2S、NH3等的生成量不同,相互之间随温度变化转换明显,反应过程满足热解反应动力学方程;对煤矸石内的微量元素相关性分析表明,Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd、Ba、Se、As、Mn、Hg、Sr、V、B、Ni、Cr中,部分元素呈现极强相关性,个别元素之间存在强相关性,部分元素之间相关性弱且呈负相关。
Taking coal gangue in Ulan Mulun mining area as the research object, chemical components of coal gangue were analyzed by X- ray fluorescence method, trace elements in coal gangue determined by digestion, various components of coal gangue analyzed at the low temperature and slow pyrolysis in N2 atmosphere. Trace element composition characteristics, transformation and pyrolysis mechanism were obtained. Result shows that major components of the coal gangue are SiO2, A1203 , quartz and kaolinite are the main ingredient. The coal gangue contains a variety of trace elements, and the order of content is Ba〉Zn〉B〉V〉Cu〉Cr〉Ni〉Sr〉Mn〉Se〉Cd〉Hg〉As, the accumulation and distribution of the elements are obviously 'affected by geological conditions, plant and animal remains and the biological activities. The pyrolysis of coal gangue are affected by temperature, and the production of CH4, H2, I-I2S and NH3 are different in different ranges of temperature, changes with the temperature variation, reaction process is in accordance with the equation of pyrolysis reaction. Correlation analysis of trace elements in coal gangue shows that among Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ba, Se, As, Mn, Hg, Sr, V, B, Ni, Cr, some elements present a strong correlation, there is an extremely strong correlation between the individual elements, some elements present a weak and negative correlation.
Coal Engineering
coal gangue
trace element
chemical constituents
pyrolysis characteristics