
中国“一带一路”倡议有效对接欧盟投资计划探析 被引量:8

A Study on the Practical Synergies between China's Beltand Road Initiative and EU's Investment Plan
摘要 本文基于中国"一带一路"倡议与欧盟投资计划的最新进展及对接现状,运用SWOT分析方法,从中欧各自优势及劣势、合作机遇与面临挑战等视角考察了中欧双方发展战略有效对接的经济基础、可行性及合作领域。本文认为,欧盟拥有成熟技术与品牌优势,中国拥有雄厚资金与市场优势,中欧双方可以通过国际产业产能合作、国际金融合作以及双向投资与贸易自由化等途径实现中欧优势互补和合作共赢。中国应以中欧国际金融合作为先导,扩大人民币在中欧合作项目中的使用,选择以点带面的重点国家与重点行业为合作突破口,积极推进中欧国际产业产能合作、基础设施和互联互通建设,以及合作开发第三方市场及资源能源等。 Based on recent developments in the China-EU relations as encouraged by China's Belt and Road initiative and EU's investment plan,this paper employs the SWOT analysis to examinethe economic base,practicability and potential fields for EU-China cooperation to realize efficient synergy between the two projects proposed by China and the EU respectively. This paper argues that the EU,equipped with advanced technologies and maturebrands,and China,with the advantage of funds and markets,will definitely be benefited from their comprehensive cooperation on industrial capacity exporting,international finance,two-way investment and trade liberalization. In the concluding part of this paper,the author suggests that China should start with international financial cooperation to encourage the use of RMB in China-EU cooperation projects and cooperation on international industrial capacities,infrastructure and connectivity construction,and development of third country markets.
作者 龚秀国
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期122-135,7-8,共14页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 教育部区域与国别研究培育基地-四川大学欧盟研究中心"‘一带一路’倡议与欧洲投资计划的对接情况和最新进展研究"(scueu_gbqy2015-4)课题的阶段性成果
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