目的:研究Ig E相关眼表过敏性疾病过敏原特点及临床意义。方法:收集并分析本地区2011-2015年376例眼表过敏性疾病患者病历资料,分析过敏原及相关因素特点。结果:眼表过敏性疾病中,季节性过敏性结膜炎成年人占比64.8%,春季花粉过敏者高达65.4%,多伴发过敏性鼻炎和过敏性皮炎;常年性过敏性结膜炎青少年占比86.1%,尘螨过敏者高达65.9%,多伴发过敏性鼻炎;春季卡他性结膜炎过敏原不显著;特应性结膜炎尘螨过敏者高达90.5%,且混合过敏者多,容易合并多重过敏性疾病。结论:不同眼表过敏性疾病过敏原特点对临床诊断分型、后期治疗有指导性意义。
Objective:To investigate the characteristics and clinic significance of allergen test in ocular surface allergy.Method:376 ocular surface allergic diseases patient had been collected from 2011 to 2015,analyzing the clinic data,allergen test result,other related elements.Result:Ocular surface allergy had different types.About 64.8% patients were adult in seasonal allergic conjunctivitis,who allergic to spring pollens up to 65.4% and easier to complicate with allergic rhinitis and allergic dermatitis.About 86.1% patients were children and adolescents in perennial allergic conjunctivitis,who allergic to dust mite up to 65.9% and easier to complicate with allergic rhinitis.Vernal keratoconjunctivitis had no significant allergens.Atopic keratoconjunctivitis was always multi-sensitized,especially allergic to dust mite up to 90.5%,and was easier to comorbid with other allergic diseases.Conclusion:The patterns of allergen have great benefits for ocular surface allergy in clinic diagnosis and further management.
Medical Innovation of China