There were extra-low permeability fracture-pore type sandstone reservoirs developed in the Xinghe South Block of Ausai Oilfield. A profile control system that is comprised of cross-linked polymer, sudium bentonite polymer, pre-crosslinked particles, and consolidation-type particles is selected to respectively treat the far, middle, and near wellbore formations. First, bleed off the pressure of the injectors, inspect the tubing aud easing strings, antt clean out the wells (well flushing by cleaning out tire sands). Then lay down tire general casing strings to implement water pluggiug and profile controh The water plugging aud profile control were implemented io five clean water injectors and five produced-water reinjeetion wells respectively. The implementation results show that, for clear water injectors with a large amount of pressure release, and obvious percolation characteristics of fractures, to increase the sealing slugs of the consolidation-type particles can effectively block the near-wellbore fractures, with significant resuhs of increasing production rate. For the pruduced-water reinjectiou wells with a small amount of pressure release, and unobvious percolation characteristics of fractures, to cancel the sealing slugs of the consolidation-type particles can reduce near-wellburc formation damage, with good results of increasing production rate.
Xingbe South Block: extra-low permeability: fracture-pore type reservoir
water plugging and profile control
bleed off pressure
general easing siring