【目的】对广西良凤江国家森林公园苏木科、木兰科和桃金娘科共16种植物的内生拟盘多毛孢属真菌种类多样性进行调查,为进一步了解植物内生拟盘多毛孢的组成及开展内生拟盘多毛孢代谢产物提供物质基础。【方法】采用常规组织块分离法和分子技术分析内生拟盘多毛孢与植物种类、分离部位和分离季节的相关性。【结果】从苏木科、木兰科和桃金娘科16种植物中共分离得到89株拟盘多毛孢属真菌,经形态学鉴定为11个种。桃金娘科中的白千层、假多瓣蒲桃,苏木科的银珠、中国无忧花分离得到的拟盘多毛孢种数分别为8,6和8,6种,是拟盘多毛孢定殖种类最多的植物;银珠内生拟盘多毛孢定殖率最高,为2.86%。内生拟盘多毛孢在植物枝条的定殖率高于叶片,秋季高于其他季节。3科植物内生拟盘多毛孢属真菌种类多样性指数以苏木科最高(2.235 3),桃金娘科次之(2.163 5),木兰科最低(1.863 7)。【结论】广西良凤江国家森林公园多种植物内拟盘多毛孢属真菌喜好定殖在银珠、中国无忧花、格木和白千层等植物;对植物器官有明显的选择性,定殖率以枝条较高;与季节有一定的关系,以秋季最高。
【Obiective】In order to understand composition of endophytic Pestalotiopsis and provide the solid foundation for research on metabolites of endophytic Pestalotiopsis. A survey on diversity of endophytic Pestalotiopsis of 16 plant species of Caesalpiniaceae,Magnoliaceae and Myrtaceae were carried out in Nanning Liangfengjiang Forest Park of Guangxi. 【Method 】 The tissue isolation and molecular techniques were used to preliminarily analyze the correlations between endophytic Pestalotiopsis and plant species,plant parts and seasons from or in which the fungus was isolated.【Result 】 Results showed that 89 isolates of endophytic Pestalotiopsis were isolated from 16 plant species of Caesalpiniaceae,Magnoliaceae and Myrtaceae,and among the isolates 11 species were identified based on morphological characters. Eight, six, eight and six endophytic Pestalotiopsis species were respectively collected from Melaleuca leucadendra( Myrtaceae),Syzygium polypetaloideum( Myrtaceae),Peltophorum tonkinense( Caesalpiniaceae),and Saraca chinensis( Caesalpiniaceae),in which the most endophytic Pestalotiopsis species colonized,of which the highest isolation frequency was 2. 86% from Peltophorum tonkinense. It was also found that colonization frequencies of endophytic Pestalotiopsis were higher on twigs than leaves for most of plant species,and higher in autumn than in other seasons. In comparison, Shannon-Wiener 's diversity index of endophytic Pestalotiopsis was the highest in Caesalpiniaceae( 2. 235 3),the second in Myrtaceae( 2. 163 5) and the lowest in Magnoliaceae( 1. 863 7). 【Conclusion】It indicatedthat endophytic Pestalotiopsis had preference colonizing in Peltophorum tonkinense,Saraca chinensis,Erythrophleum fordii,and Melaleuca leucadendra and the colonization frequencies were higher in twigs and its colonization frequencies varied in different seasons,among which the highest frequencies were in autumn.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae