目的探讨国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)2005版、中华医学会糖尿病分会(CDS)2004版2种诊断标准对代谢综合征(MS)判定的差异性及其公共卫生意义。方法采用多阶段随机抽样方法抽取温州市11个县区18岁及以上户籍居民35 610人进行面对面的问卷调查、体格测量和实验室检查。MS采用IDF2005、CDS2004诊断标准进行判定,计数资料用率、构成比表示,组间比较采用χ2检验。结果按IDF2005标准诊断,18岁及以上居民MS的患病率为23.15%(男女性分别为12.96%、30.72%,城乡分别为26.78%、21.70%),标化患病率为16.03%;中心性肥胖、高甘油三酯血症、低高密度脂蛋白胆固醇血症、血压升高、血糖升高5种组分检出率依次为41.48%、37.85%、28.81%、53.09%和31.80%;最常见的MS组分组合为"中心性肥胖+血压升高+血糖升高",占15.96%。按CDS2004标准诊断,MS的粗患病率为11.82%(男女性分别为11.02%、12.41%,城乡分别为13.77%、11.04%),标化患病率为7.83%;超重或肥胖、高血糖、高血压、血脂紊乱4种组分检出率依次为25.44%、21.08%、38.90%和38.64%;最常见组合为是超重或肥胖+高血压+血脂紊乱,占30.96%。按上述2种诊断标准,男女性和城乡居民MS患病率均随着人群年龄的增加呈升高趋势,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。2种标准下调查人群中88.56%的个体同时诊断为MS或非MS,一致性较差(Kappa值为0.36)。结论使用2种标准诊断的MS患病率差异主要由于2种诊断标准的指标及其截断值不同导致。CDS标准比IDF标准经济,建议推广CDS标准。
Objective To explore the difference and its public health significance between two diagnostic criteria(International Diabetes Federation 2005, IDF2005 and China Diabetes Society 2004,CDS 2004) for metabolic syndrome(MS). Methods The multi-step random sampling method was used to select 35 610 residents(18 years old) from 11 counties in Wenzhou as the subjects for questionnaire investigation, physical examination and laboratory tests. MS cases were determined with IDF2005 and CDS 2004, respectively. The rate and constituent ratio served as the main indexes, chi-square test was used to compare the differences between groups. Results According to IDF2005, the MS morbidity of total residents(18 years old) was 23.15%(male morbidity: 12.96%, female morbidity: 30.72%, urban morbidity: 26.78%, rural morbidity: 21.70%), the standardized morbidity of total residents was 16.03%, the detected rates of central obesity, high triglyceride(TG), low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), hypertension and hyperglycemia were 41.48%, 37.85%, 28.81%, 53.09% and 31.80%, respectively. The most common combination of MS was "central obesity+ hypertension+ hyperglycemia"(15.96%). According to CDS2004, the MS morbidity of total residents(18 years old) was 11.82%(male morbidity: 11.02%, female morbidity: 12.41%, urban morbidity:13.77%, rural morbidity: 11.04%), the detected rates of overweight or obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertension and dyslipidemia were25.44%, 21.08%, 38.90% and 38.64%,respectively. The most common combination was "over weight or obesity + hypertension +dyslipidemia"(30.96%). According to two diagnosis criteria, the MS morbidities of males, females, urban and rural areas increased significantly(P 〈0.01). On the basis of two diagnostic criteria, only 88.56% of individuals were simultaneously diagnosed as MS or non MS, so the consistency was poor(Kappa value =0.36). Conclusion The difference of MS morbidities between two MS diagnosis c
Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
Metabolic syndrome
Diagnostic criteria