
创业直觉研究述评及展望 被引量:5

A Literature Review on Entrepreneurial Intuition and Directions for Future Research
摘要 直觉在创业者决策实践中至关重要,但理论界对此却关注不足,国内相关研究尤为匮乏。从直觉与创业关系出发,提炼创业直觉概念内涵,剖析影响创业直觉的内外部因素及其作用过程,挖掘创业直觉对创业者、创业行为和新企业的作用机制,据此构建了创业直觉研究的理论框架。框架关注创业直觉的驱动机制、本质特征和效应机制三个环节,兼顾中间机制和边界条件,明晰了相关理论基础、研究视角、分析方法和研究内容,对开展实证研究和情境化检验具有参考意义。 Despite the great importance of intuition in entrepreneurial decision-making, the academic attention to entrepreneurial intuition is inadequate, which is especially true in the Chinese entrepreneurship research field. This study systematically reviews extant literature on entrepreneurial intuition, especially studies that define entrepreneurial intuition, and discuss the formation and action mechanism of such intuition. Based on that, this research explore and expand the research boundary of entrepreneurial intuition, and propose possible directions for future research by analyzing limitations of extant literature in research system construction, theoretical foundation, methodology and research topics. A primary research framework is proposed and presented to pave ways for further work.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期20-33,共14页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71402163 71572016 71272185) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(13YJC630221)
关键词 创业直觉 创业决策 创业者 认知风格 entrepreneurial intuition entrepreneurial decision-making entrepreneur cognitive style
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