根据飞机机动襟翼伺服控制系统的工作原理和技术条件 ,介绍了机动襟翼伺服控制系统的综合测试系统的结构及软、硬件设计原理。该系统以嵌入式PC10 4工业控制计算机为核心 ,将机动襟翼伺服控制系统的内外场性能检测与故障诊断融于一体 ,实践证明 ,提高了航空兵部队的快速机动维修保障能力。
According to the operating principle and technical conditions of aircraft maneuvering flap servo-control system, the structure and the design of hardware and software of the integrated testing system for aircraft maneuvering flap servo-control system are introduced in this paper. The system, which adopts embedded industrial computer PC104, combines the performance test with malfunction diagnosis of the maneuvering flap servo-control system so as to improve the rapid flexible maintenance ability of the air force in practice.
Computer Measurement &Control