利用1981-2013 年福州市国家基准气候站观测资料,分析了福州市区蒸发量的变化趋势及其影响因子.结果表明:福州市年蒸发量在20 世纪90 年代初之前逐渐增加,之后开始减小,90 年代后期达到最小值,2002 年左右发生明显突变,开始迅速增加.总体呈先增加后减小再增加的变化过程.基于各种气象因子的变化趋势及其与蒸发量的相关性分析发现,福州市蒸发量变化主要是由相对湿度、水汽压等湿度因子的变化造成的,而其他因子则是通过影响湿度因子而间接影响蒸发量.
Based on the observational data of Fuzhou national climatological station from 1981 to 2013,the variational features of evaporation and the related factors in urban district of Fuzhou are investigated. Itis shown that the annual evaporation in Fuzhou increased before the early 1990s, then decreased rapidlywith the minimum in late 1990s. An abrupt change appeared in 2002, shooting up dramatically. In general,it presents a process of increase -decrease -increase. Through the analyses of the trend of differentmeteorological variables and their correlation with evaporation, it is demonstrated that the variation ofevaporation in Fuzhou is attributed to relative humidity and water vapor pressure. Furthermore, other factorscan also play an indirect role by affecting humid factors.
abrupt change
meteorological factor