目的 分析子宫背带式缝合在剖宫产宫缩乏力治疗中的应用价值。方法 选择我院2013年1月-2016年2月收治的剖宫产宫缩乏力患者40例,随机分为对照组与实验组进行对比分析,对照组患者采用宫腔填塞、子宫动脉上行支结扎的方法治疗。实验组患者则采用子宫背带式缝合治疗。结果 实验组患者术后24 h出血量显著少于对照组患者(P〈0.05),术后感染发生率显著低于对照组患者(P〈0.05)。结论在剖宫产宫缩乏力患者的临床治疗中,应用子宫背带式缝合治疗能使患者术后24 h出血量显著减少,降低术后感染发生几率,具有临床应用价值。
Objective To analyze the application value of the uterus sun back suture at cesarean delivery contractions fatigue treatment. Methods 40 cases of cesarean delivery contractions fatigue patients were selected in our hospital from January 2013 to February 2016, 40 patients were randomly divided into control group and experimental group, the control group was treated with uterine packing, ascending uterine artery ligation method of treatment, The experimental group was used womb strap suture treatment. Results The 24 h postoperative bleeding patients of the experimental group was significantly less than control group (P〈0.05), the incidence of postoperative infection was significantly lower than the control group patients (P〈0.05). Conclusion Patients with cesarean section contractions fatigue treated with uterine suture strap can lead to significantly reduce 24 hours postoperatively in patients with blood loss, reduce the risk of postoperative infection, have clinical application value.
China Continuing Medical Education