ABB UNITROL5000励磁系统广泛应用于我国大型发电厂中,其内部通信采用ARCNET总线方式。针对某电厂2号机组两次因UNITROL5000励磁系统通信故障致机组跳闸事件,通过故障报警信息的分析、两次事件的对比、ARCNET通信原理的研究和现场模拟试验对故障进行了定位。最后,从不同角度提出了防范措施,以防止类似事件再次发生。
ABB UNITROL5000 excitation system is widely used in large-scale power plants in China which uses ARCNET as its inner communication mode.In allusion to twice accidents of tripping caused by communication failure of the UNITROL5000 excitation system of the No.2 power unit in one power plant,this paper analyzes fault alarming information,compares twice accidents,studies ARCNET communication principle and finally locates the failure based on field simulating test.It also proposes precaution measures from different angles so as to prevent similar accidents happening again.
Guangdong Electric Power