目的:膝关节骨性关节炎(knee osteoarthritis,KOA)的MRI特点与中医分型的关系。资料来源:收集医院2014年5月—2015年5月住院患者的病例。选择文献量及依据:1研究类型:临床观察。2研究对象:符合KOA诊断标准;西医、中医四诊资料齐全;入院患者明确诊断纳入。MRI检查。3辨证分型:气滞血瘀证、肝肾亏虚证、瘀血闭阻证、风寒湿痹证。4评价指标:MRI检查。结果与结论:43病例中软骨损伤、骨关节退行性改变43例,半月板损伤、退变40例,关节腔、髌上囊积液35例,骨髓水肿31例,伴有腘窝囊肿14例,韧带损伤10例,滑膜增厚9例。讨论:MRI是诊断膝关节骨性关节炎的有效手段,中医证型膝关节骨性关节炎之间有一定相关性。
Objective: To study the relationship between MRI and the characteristic of TCM syndromes types of knee osteoarthritis. Method: In May 2014-May 2015,hospitalized patients were selected: 1Type of study: clinical observation. 2The object of study: KOA diagnosis standard; Western medicine; TCM four diagnostic data was completed. MRI examination; 3Syndrome differentiation: Qi stagnation and blood stasis,liver kidney deficiency syndrome,blood stasis obstructing syndrome,wind-cold-damp syndrome; 4Evaluation index: MRI Data synthesis results and conclusion: 43 cases of bone and joint cartilage injury,43 cases of degenerative changes,meniscus injury,40 cases of degeneration,35 cases of the joint cavity or patellar cystic effusion,bone marrow edema in 31 cases,14 cases with popliteal cyst,10 cases of ligament injury,9 cases of synovial thickening. Conclusion: MRI is an effective method for the diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis.There is a certain correlation between TCM syndrome types and MRI of knee osteoarthritis.
Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine