将于2016年6月1日实施的GB 18306-2015《中国地震动参数区划图》,对铁路工程抗震设计影响较大。文章通过新版区划图与铁路工程抗震设计规范的对比,结合实际工作情况及相关资料,对其影响进行了研究,并提出以下观点:(1)场地类别的确定:铁路路基、桥梁、隧道(洞口、明洞、偏压及浅埋地段)场地类别应按新版区划图的规定执行,铁路隧道洞身深埋段不宜划分场地类别。(2)不同地震动水准的地震动参数取值:现行铁路工程抗震设计规范标准比新版区划图低,应对规范第28页表7.2.4-1、表7.2.4-2取值进行修改。(3)铁路工程地震动参数取值:路基、隧道(洞口、明洞、偏压及浅埋地段),只提基本地震的地震动峰值加速度值,隧道洞身(非浅埋偏压段),不提地震动参数。桥梁工程:要提多遇地震动、基本地震动(设计地震)、罕遇地震动的有关地震动参数。(4)研究成果可应用于铁路工程勘察设计和规范修订。
Seismic Ground Motion Parameter Zoning Map of China (GB18306 -2015) to be implemented on June 1, 2016 has significant impact on seismic design of railway engineering. By comparison between new edition zoning map and railway engineering seismic design specification, combined with actual work situation and related information, its effect is researched, the following viewpoints are proposed: 1. determination of: site category of railway subgrade, bridge and tunnel site category should by executed according to new edition Zoning Map, deep-buried section of railway tunnel hole body is unfavorable for site category. 2. ground motion parameters values with different vibration levels: standards for seismic design of railway engineering is lower than the new zoning map, values in Tables 7.2.4 - 1 and 7.2.4- 2 on P28 should be modified. 3. railway engineering ground motion parameter values: for roadbed, tunnel, only basic seismic peak acceleration value is mentioned, for tunnel body( non-shallow buried side pressure section) , the ground motion parameter is not mentioned. Bridge: frequent seismic ground motion, basic seismic ground motion and rare occurrence earthquake ground motion parameters shall be mentioned. 4. research results can be applied in railway engineering survey, design and code revision.
High Speed Railway Technology
new edition zoning map
railway engineering
seismic design